
breast cancer

Breast Cancer

  • Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the cells of the breast, commonly in the milk ducts or lobules.
  • It is the most prevalent cancer among women worldwide but can also affect men.
  • Early detection and advancements in treatment have significantly improved survival rates.


  1. Genetic Mutations: Inherited mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2, or other genes increase the risk.
  2. Age: The likelihood of breast cancer rises with age.
  3. Gender: Women are at a higher risk, but men can also develop breast cancer.
  4. Family History: A family history of breast or ovarian cancer may elevate susceptibility.
  5. Hormonal Factors: Prolonged exposure to estrogen, early menstruation, or late menopause.

Signs & Symptoms

  1. Breast Lump: A firm, painless mass or lump in the breast.
  2. Changes in Breast Size or Shape: Unexplained alterations.
  3. Nipple Changes: Inversion, discharge, or redness.
  4. Skin Changes: Dimpling or puckering of the skin.
  5. Breast Pain: Persistent discomfort or tenderness.

Make An Appointment

Dr. Mahesh Bandemegal

Dr. Mahesh Bandamegal